Imagining the future with Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies


In a continuation of Star Lab’s commitment to exploring futurist thinking and preparing for the next era of spatial computing, a member of the Lab team took part in a Metaverse delphi Study alongside a diverse panel of experts curated by independent, non-profit futures think tank Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies.

The study aimed to assess a series of hypotheses and propositions in relation to the future of the metaverse towards 2030: What it is, what it will become, when it will be implemen- ted, how impactful it will be, what it will be used for, and much more.

In case you have never come across a delphi study before, here is the CIFS definition:
‘A delphi study is a collaborative foresight method designed to elicit consensus building among a panel of experts on a series of future hypotheses and propositi- ons.

The method is based on the principle that the collective wisdom and fore- sight from a carefully selected group of experts – the delphi panellists – provide superior insights and orientation around potential future developments compa- red to individual judgements.

This is especially true when dealing with complex areas with a high degree of uncertainty – such as the future of the metaverse.’

Here are a few insights from the study:

‘63% of panellists believe that the metaverse already exists in some form, while 34% don’t believe so. 3% remain unsure about it.’

‘By 2030, our virtual and physical worlds may have merged in a way that we freely navigate between them in our daily lives, with AR and VR technologi- es becoming more accessible and affordable, and with users becoming more comfortable and confident in living immersive digital experiences. Sceptics believe in this vision but think it will take longer.’

‘By 2030, it will be as essential for commercial brands to have a presence in the metaverse as it is to have a webpage today.’

Dive into this first-of-its-kind global study on the future of the metaverse towards 2030
You can download the full report here:
